
Legacy Product

Penncross, Tee-2-Green’s premier creeping bentgrass, is still the most specified, used and trusted bentgrass in the world. Along with providing a smooth surface for putting greens, its aggressive lateral growth and recovery ability make Penncross a great choice on tees and landing areas.

Penncross, Tee-2-Green’s legendary creeping bentgrass, is now out of production, and our inventory is now gone. PC2.0, however, is the next generation of this time-proven bentgrass and pays homage to the past while looking toward the future. Its dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit competes exceptionally well against Poa annua while displaying a stunning medium-green color and very fine leaf texture.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Fairway Icon


Golf Course Green with Tee Icon


Interseeding Icon



Metamore Golf & Country Club

Brickyard Crossing Golf Course

Edinburgh USA

Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club
Alto, NM
The Sharon Golf Club
Sharon Center, OH
Metamora Golf and Country Club tee with green and treeline

"Penncross doesn't require a lot of needs. It's the perfect grass."

— Andrew Dalton, Metamora Golf & Country Club Superintendent

Find a Local Distributor

We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.