
PennTrio certified bentgrass blend uses equal thirds of PC2.0, Penn A-4, Pure Select and PennLinks II to take advantage of all three’s performance traits, giving it an advantage on every playing surface (particularly tees) while giving you ready-to-seed convenience.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Interseeding Icon


Fairway Icon


Highlands Country Club banner
PennTrio product example video on golf course

The Quarry at Giants Ridge Golf Course in Biwabik MN

PennTrio product video

Masters of Bentgrass

PennTrio product example video

The Outlaw at Alto Lakes

The Outlaw at Alto Golf Estates
Alto, NM
Highlands Country Club
Highlands, NC
Baltusrol Golf Club
Springfield, NJ
Highlands Country Club testimonial

"The durability of PennTrio and the fine texture—for us, it was a no-brainer."

— Brian Stiehler, Highlands Country Club Golf Course Superintendent

Find a Local Distributor

We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.