Interseed with the best

It takes innovation to become one of the greats in this business. It also takes recognizing that world-class playability doesn’t need to come at a costly premium. Interseeding with Tee-2-Green not only enhances playability—it also reduces the need for fertilizer, water and fungicides. More resistant to disease and harsh climates, Tee-2-Green bentgrasses can be incorporated into an intereseeding program to upgrade your turf without having to close the course for renovation.

Storey Creek Case Study

Storey Creek Golf Club

Legendary playability starts with legendary bentgrass.


Tee2Green Pure Distinction product bucket

Pure Distinction

Ideal for greens, Pure Distinction is a top-of-the-line bentgrass with exceptional resistance to disease, heat, cold, and wear.

Tee2Green Pure Select bucket

Pure Select

Great on greens, tees, and fairways—Pure Select sets the standard for early spring green ups.

Tee2Green Crystal Bluelinks product bucket

Crystal BlueLinks

Perfect for higher quality tees and fairways or greens in shady areas—Crystal BlueLinks provides exceptional tolerance in shaded areas.



Used on greens, tees and fairways, as well as in blends with other varieties — PC2.0 is your go-to for bentgrass in the industry.


Beautiful hole location at Rolling Hills Country Club in California

Interseeding is easy

It’s just one additional step of applying seed to your existing aerification process.

More opportunities

After spiking, verticutting, or topdressing, you can also introduce new and improved bentgrass seed.

Manage for bentgrass

Favor bentgrass growth by using growth regulators.

Good things take time

Be patient and methodical, interseeding takes time and perseverance.

Become a legend

You’ll improve turf quality, reduce inputs, and enhance overall course conditions.


Turfgrass at Cherry Island Golf Course

Cherry Island Golf Course in Elverta, CA

Successful interseeding at Storey Creek Golf Club

Storey Creek Golf Club

Successful interseeding at Pine Brook Country Club

Pine Brook Country Club in Weston, MA

Find a Local Distributor

We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.