Pure Select

Pure Select is the product of a rich heritage of bentgrass seed that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s & G’s. Pure Select has a dense, upright and aggressive growth habit. It’s wear-tolerant and produces less thatch. Pure Select is also exceptionally strong against disease, heat and cold, while also being easy to manage. If you are looking for a proven answer to high salt in your golf course soil and water, Pure Select is for you! It has been proven in real-world situations worldwide to germinate in elevated salts and high bi-carb soils and water. Pure Select’ is a game-changing solution with its fantastic disease, heat, cold, wear, and salt tolerance. Pure Select gives you a quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round on bentgrass greens.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Interseeding Icon


Golf Course Green with Tee Icon


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Pure Select Hero

Storey Creek Golf Club

Oak Ridge Country Club

MeadowBrook Golf Club

Pine Brook Country Club
Weston, MA
Baylands Golf Links
Palo Alto, CA
Birmingham Country Club
Birmingham, MI
Baylands Golf Links testimonial

"Pure Select greens have been great and stand up to the traffic they've been getting. Green speeds have been awesome."

— Steven Hoying, Baylands Golf Links Golf Course Superintendent

Find a Local Distributor

We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.